The India Story: A Diverse Market of Opportunities

India’s business landscape has seen a transformative shift over the past decade and has raced ahead to become the world’s fifth-largest economy. Globally, the sentiment around the nation has remained wholesome and optimistic. This optimism is driven by action-oriented government reforms and a dedicated push towards value creation. Today, the nation is home to 500 companies valued at $1 billion or more, and the economy is expected to reach $5 trillion by 2027.


Doing business in India requires an in-depth understanding of its demographics, regulations, micro and macro market dynamics, and social segments. The nation offers a dynamic yet complex business environment, and a granular understanding of these nuances is essential to establishing and scaling ventures.



Decode the India advantage

Diverse factors contribute to India’s competitiveness on the global business landscape:

  • list-icon Trained Human Capital
  • list-icon Streamlined Policy and Regulations
  • list-icon Cost-friendly Resources
  • list-icon Broad Landscape for Strategic Partnerships
  • list-icon Thriving Infrastructure
  • list-icon Multi-layered Economic and Social Structure

Prepare your Playbook with India Inside

The India Inside programme, tailored to your business context, will provide you with learning and insights essential to efficiently harness the vast opportunity presented by the Indian market, using contextualised innovation as a key differentiator. Designed by ISB’s globally renowned faculty, the programme allows you to collaborate and network with industry leaders across sectors.

Diversified Spheres of Learning

The India Inside curriculum addresses critical aspects of the Indian economy, demographics and markets.

  • list-icon India’s Story of Growth and Innovation
  • list-icon Indian Consumer Market
  • list-icon Policy and Regulation Frameworks
  • list-icon Dynamics of Human Capital


Deep Insights Customised to Your Vision

Co-Create a Learning Journey with Deep Insights on:


  • Understand the macro conditions that influence administration, economics, and social structures
  • Explore India's financial demographics
  • Deconstruct India’s legal, statutory, regulatory, and tax frameworks
  • Review innovative business models
  • Examine Indian managerial practices, processes, and operational challenges
  • Learn about scalable Al-led solutions and ML and big data interventions
  • Decode Indian market segments through cultural, linguistic, and demographic segmentation


Co-create Learning Interventions for

  • Investor Facilitation Bodies
  • Global Policymakers
  • Embassies and Expatriates in India


  • The macro conditions that influence politics, economic policies, and social structures
  • India's financial demographics
  • Policy challenges with comprehensive knowledge of legal, statutory, regulatory, and tax frameworks
  • Innovative business models
  • Indian managerial practices, people, processes, and operational challenges
  • Scalable Al-led solutions and machine learning and big data interventions
  • Diverse Indian consumer segments by understanding the cultural, linguistic, and demographic segmentation

Tailor the Pedagogy to Suit the Distinct Business Context of:

  • Growth-focused Multinationals 
  • Global Consultancy Firms 


  • Gain theoretical knowledge and practical application in the dynamic Indian market by:
  • Exploring the opportunities emerging from India’s push towards sustainability
  • Facilitating field visits to top industries for a real-world perspective
  • Facilitating interactions with senior industry professionals, customers, and policy leaders
  • Providing a platform for building networks
  • Empowering participants to apply their learnings in the Indian context

Tailor the Pedagogy to Suit the Distinct Business Context of:

  • B-Schools and EMBA Participants 
  • Graduate School

Connect with us!

Reach out to us to understand how we can unpack India in a way that enables your organisation to accelerate its growth.

India Inside Programme for Institutions: MBS immersion

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