Learning Solutions for Enterprise

ISB Executive Education partners with your organisation to design and deliver bespoke learning solutions that address your unique business challenges and meet your strategic business objectives.

Our learning solutions are designed to suit the developmental needs of both individuals and teams on an ongoing basis and are based on a deep understanding of the enterprises’ context and their team’s strengths and potential.

We offer advanced capabilities in conducting programmes through a variety of formats including live virtual, on-campus/on-site, online asynchronous, and elaborately blended formats that provide learning experiences best suited to your organisation.

Building Blocks to Unlock Your Full Growth Potential

  • list-icon Focus together on a business challenge
  • list-icon Build teamwork
  • list-icon Break down silos
  • list-icon Bring leaders together
  • list-icon Think holistically about the business
  • list-icon Align managers to a vision and purpose

Lean on Us to

  • list-icon Shift business models
  • list-iconExecute high-stakes strategic initiatives
  • list-icon Drive growth through digital transformation and innovation
  • list-iconOrchestrate and manage change in the organisation
  • list-icon Shift mindsets and cultures
  • list-icon Professionalise management practices
  • list-iconRetain key talent
  • list-icon Create organisational environments that motivate and drive excellence

Learning That Cuts Across Leadership Levels and Global Enterprises

We offer custom learning interventions for all leadership levels of an organisation. Our Full Stack Learning Solutions take an organisation-wide approach to building capabilities integrated with your talent strategy and business objectives. We also offer strategic solutions for Global Capability Centres (GCCs) to evolve them into drivers of global impact by driving innovation and leadership strengths crucial for these centres to deliver on their expansion mandates

Full-stack Learning Solutions

Our Full-stack Learning Solutions are designed to keep your business needs at the forefront. We rethink learning imperatives, adapt learning to individuals, and craft learning journeys to specification from the ground up to achieve each organisational goal through an immersive experience.

Comprehensive Learning Solutions for GCCs

Our high-impact learning solutions for GCCs unlock transformative outcomes. We assess your GCC's capabilities and maturity, and co-create tailored competency-building learning interventions with you to steer your GCC unit’s growth and innovation trajectory.  

How can we help you?

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Write to Us

Our advisors can help you navigate through the programme portfolio and help you identify the right learning intervention - for you or your teams.

Write to us at: customexed@isb.edu

Inspiring Learning Journeys of Partners

Significant Learning Partners